Christ United Methodist Church
145 Disciple Drive
Selinsgrove, PA 17870
(office email)
Join us on the journey to "Love Jesus, Love like Jesus, and invite others to Love like Jesus"
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
8:30-11am and 12-2:30pm
Tuesday, Thursday
9-11am and 12:30-2:30pm
Sunday, May 12
Sunday, May 26
Women's Tea
May 18, 2024
Cost is $10 per adult
$5 for children age 10 and under
OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday-Thursday 9am-1pm
Friday 9:30-1pm
Wednesday, May 15 - Pastor David at Hope UMC
6:30pm Handbells practice
Thursday, May 16 - 11am Conversation Ministry at
Agapeland at Kidsgrove planting flowers
6:30-7:30pm Bible Study at Hope UMC
Saturday, May 18 - 2-4pm Women's Tea
Sunday, May 19 - Pastor David Keyworth preaching
Agapeland Graduation (after church until 5pm)
Monday, May 20 - 9am Monday Morning Men
Tuesday, May 21 - 10am Bible Study
Wednesday, May 22 - Pastor David at Hope UMC
7pm Town Hall Meeting to have conversation regarding
General Conference decisions
Thursday, May 23 - Last day of Agapeland (Tues/Thurs)
6:30-7:30pm Bible Study at Hope UMC
Friday, May 24 - Agapeland using sanctuary all day (last
day for Mon/Wed/Fri)
Sunday, May 26 - Pastor David Keyworth preaching
Monday, May 27 - No Monday Morning Men meeting
Tuesday, May 28 - No Bible Study this day
Wednesday, May 29 - Pastor David at Hope UMC
6:30pm - Handbells practice
Thursday, May 30 - Pastor David at Annual Conference
Friday, May 31 - Pastor David at Annual Conference
Saturday, June 1 - Pastor David at Annual Conference
9AM Sunday Worship Service
All Videos
Pastor David is the pastor at Christ UMC, Selinsgrove and Hope UMC, Port Trevorton.
Genesis 9:13
New King James Version
"I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth."
We still have "Beauty for Ashes" Ornaments If you are interested in purchasing any please notify the church office at 570 374-8539. The cost is $3. each or 2- $5.00.
May 2015 we had a fire that destroyed our church. A fire fighter took this picture of an image of angel hovering above the burning church.
A vital part of what we try to do here at Christ United Methodist Church comes with community outreach. In our Methodist beliefs, we stand firm in making sure our church can do as much as it possibly can towards the community to help and serve.
Mark 16:15 "Jesus' command is to spread the good news to everyone everywhere"
1 Peter 4:10 "Use your unique talents and abilities to serve others and bring glory to God"
Hebrews 13:16 "And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased"
There is a bin in front of the office to collect the food items that are listed for school age kids. You can pick up a list of items needed in the sanctuary.
At the Selinsgrove Market St. Street Fair, on September 28, Christ United Methodist Church will be having a canopy where people can grab free fans, relax in chairs, communicate with others, and there will be accommodations for people to care for their baby. Anyways, if you go to the street fair, please stop by and say hi. We would love to have you.
If you would like to make soup and donate a quart or more to the church, we will freeze it and have it available to bless someone who is in need.
Soups 4 Souls
If you would like to make a meal for someone who had surgery, a new baby, dealing with illness or bereavement, please let the office know to place your name on the list.
At Hope United Methodist Church, our sister church, they do community dinners every month, that is entirely free, although if you feel called to, you may donate. In July, there is no community dinner.
A bus trip is being planned by Trinity UMC to see Daniel at Sight & Sound Theatres near Lancaster, PA on Thu, Aug. 15, 2024. See more information outside the office.
If you feel called, please go to the church office and make a donation for the youth ministry's camping retreats to Wesley Forest. They appreciate your donation greatly.
Once a month our conversation ministry group goes to Pennsfield Apartments in Selinsgrove for communion and fellowship.